What is Professional Development? | Professional Development Series for College Students

What is Professional Development? | Professional Development Series for College Students

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This video lecture is for my senior students in Kinesiology Capstone, a class where we wrestle with matters of vocation, calling, faith, and professional development as they prepare to graduate. If those topics sounds interesting to you, then check out the playlist here: https://bit.ly/2PDqnzK

If you're here looking for my strength and conditioning, sport science, or kinesiology content, you can find those playlists below:

Praxis of Strength Training and Conditioning – https://bit.ly/3tOJp5s​​
Statistics in Kinesiology – http://bit.ly/2OCyAU7
Kinesiology Concepts – https://bit.ly/3mgKy1K​​
Biomechanics Concepts – https://bit.ly/3iJzGHv​ ​
Structural Kinesiology – http://bit.ly/38MuIHg
At-Home Exercise Library – https://bit.ly/2DWbvGQ​​
At-Home Follow-Along Workouts – https://bit.ly/3k8OQqc​​


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