Insights of a sustainability and climate change professional

Insights of a sustainability and climate change professional

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Publish Date:
March 11, 2023
Professional Careers
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Have you ever wondered what are Green Skills? And do you know Green Skills are growing in demand across sectors and job roles, even in the B2B professional services industry?

Come join Allan as he puts his sports shoes aside (just for 1 day) to experience a day in the life of Indrie Tjahjadi, a sustainability and climate change professional at PwC Singapore. He will also be finding out why Indrie decided to make such a career switch.

You can find out more about the Skills Demand for the Future Economy Report (SDFE2022) to understand how to build on your current skillset, chart your skills development journey and plan for new opportunities and career progression just like Indrie.
Learn more at

#SDFE2022 #skillsfutureSG #skillsdemand #careeropportunities #careerprogression #careertransition #greenskills #greeneconomy #emergingskills #goodthingsmustshare #FLYentertaining

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