Welcome to The Tarot Room for Saggies and Cappies. My name is Robyn and I am Capricorn Venus and South Node.
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These are general readings and may not resonate with everyone who watches it. I hope there is a message for you if you are guided to this video. This is for entertainment purposes and the tarot room doesn't take responsibility for the messages or actions of anyone who watches these readings.
#capricorn #capricorntarottoday #capricornhoroscope #tarotcards #cappie #2024 #capricornmay #capricornmay2024 #capricorntarot #capricornhoroscope #capricorn_prediction #singles #capricornlovereading #tarot #lovereading #tarotreading #horoscope #horoscope #tarotadvice #messages #messagesfromspirit #messagesfromtheuniverse #capricorn2024 #capricorntarotreading #capricorntarotlove #tarotreader #tarotreaders #tarotreading #tarotadvice #tarotcards #tarotcardsonline #tarotcardsdaily #lovereading #lovetarot #lovemessages #tarotcards #oraclecards #guystarot #spiritual #horoscope #advice #readings #spirituality #tarotcards
disclaimer: Tarot is not a replacement for counseling or professional advice. It is a tool to be used to assist and all choices are the responsibility of each individual person. And as always tarot is potential outcomes, because we each have the free will to change our choices and make different decisions. The Tarot Room doesn't take any responsibility for the actions the querent. This is for entertainment only
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