10 career development goals ,what are professional growth goals

10 career development goals ,what are professional growth goals

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10 Career Development Goals, what are professional growth goals.

Career development goals are objectives to improve your skills and motivation. You can combine your personal interests with skills or performance goals to achieve success at work. For example, if you want to expand your computer programming skills, and your manager needs help creating a website, you can offer to learn more on the topic to assist.

Setting career development goals encourages skill improvement. You may learn enough to apply for a promotion, or you could change careers based on your new abilities. Creating goals to achieve over a set amount of time gives you the initiative to work hard, get motivated and advance in your role.

Career development goals may make your job easier as you become quicker and more productive based on what you learn. Setting professional development goals also shows your manager you are serious about your job and want to continue to excel in it.

Here is a list of 10 sample career development goals to help you create your own.

1. Complete a professional certificate or degree.
A great overall career development goal is earning a professional certificate or degree that supports career progression. Continuing education improves your current skills and can help you in the future if you want to apply for a promotion or change careers. There are a variety of programs available in different industries, and many institutions offer evening courses to accommodate work schedules.

2. Learn how other departments function.
Learning how different departments operate can help you contribute more meaningfully to the company. When you learn how your role affects different departments, you can alter work habits to make another division function smoother. You could make one of your career development goals to schedule a few hours observing each department that works with your team.

3. Ask for feedback
Seeking feedback from your manager and team members is a good way to see how others perceive you. You should strive to be a valuable member of the team, so it is helpful to gain insight from those who observe your work to provide constructive feedback to help identify your strengths and determine what skills you should develop. Consider setting a goal to periodically check in with a few colleagues. When possible, seek feedback from coworkers you have collaborated with from different areas of the business to gain a variety of perspectives.

4. Improve performance metrics.
Performance metrics are data collected to measure behavior and activities in relation to overall performance. Increasing your performance metrics at work can prove how efficient you are.

5. Apply for a promotion.
One way to challenge yourself is to apply for a promotion. This can work as a short-term or long-term goal. Start by identifying what the next role comes next in your career progression and assess your qualifications. If you closely meet the requirements and only need to demonstrate additional skills like leadership, this can be a short-term goal. If you find that you need to gain additional skills, education or experience, this can become a long-term goal.

6. Enhance your networking skills.
Improving networking skills increases your chances of improving your business-related knowledge and building a stronger professional network. You can begin networking by talking to new coworkers or speaking with colleagues in other departments. Another way to network is by attending professional events where you meet new people with similar interests. Networking events can focus on learning more about a new aspect of an industry or focus solely on a specific topic or skill.

7. Develop your communication skills.
Delivering and receiving clear information increases work efficiency. Consider setting a career goal to improve your written, interpersonal and verbal communication skills. For example, to improve your verbal communication skills, take a public speaking class that helps you feel more comfortable delivering presentations.

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