1:37:55Medical CareersYour April Prediction ✨ Love • Money • Career 👽 Tarot→ PICK A CARD & reveal your fate 🪬April 1, 202331,296
40:32Professional CareersNext 72 Hours - Blessings Coming in Your Personal and Professional Life - Timeless Tarot Reading 💃🕺March 13, 202331,182
2:9:19Medical CareersIn March THIS Will Happen (Love• Career•Money)🍀Pick A Card- Tarot Reading~~March 2, 202352,746
15:46Financial CareersCancer Money & Career “Incoming News Of Opportunities & Financial Independence” January 2023 TarotJanuary 9, 202353
3:14Medical CareersYour 2023 in DETAIL🏮PICK A CARD→ Psychic Tarot Reading ✨ love • career • money~December 17, 202211,760
16:41Financial CareersVIRGO - "CONNECTING to the JOY OF WORK!" November Career and Money Tarot ReadingOctober 31, 2022955
16:44Financial CareersSAGITTARIUS - "GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY STRIKES!" November Career and Money Tarot ReadingOctober 30, 20226,250
16:09Financial CareersLEO - "I'M BLOWN AWAY..." Your BIGGEST Month Ever! November Career and Money Tarot ReadingOctober 30, 20221,250
16:31Financial CareersARIES - "THE GIFT OF OPPORTUNITY!" November Career and Money Tarot ReadingOctober 30, 2022882
20:28Medical CareersGEMINI - A STRONG WARNING From the Universe! (You're Protected) November 2022 Tarot ReadingOctober 30, 20229,455
21:00Medical CareersSAGITTARIUS - "A WARNING from the Universe!" (Don't Fear) October 31st - November 6th Tarot ReadingOctober 25, 20222,960
2:31:10Medical Careers👁YOUR FUTURE in November👉 Love•Career•Money ⚕Pick A Card - Psychic Reading 🎂October 21, 2022104,211
18:42Medical CareersLIBRA - The Most POWERFUL New Beginning I've EVER Seen! October 24th - 30th Tarot ReadingOctober 20, 202210,944
18:51Medical CareersSAGITTARIUS - Your BIGGEST Life Change is Coming in HOT! Middle of October Tarot ReadingOctober 16, 20227,713
22:08Medical CareersVIRGO - 🧿 YOUR GUIDES HAVE AN IMPORTANT MESSAGE FOR YOU! | October Tarot Card Reading!October 11, 20223,996
20:44Medical CareersGEMINI - 🧿 YOUR GUIDES HAVE AN IMPORTANT MESSAGE FOR YOU! | October Tarot Card Reading!October 10, 20228,907
19:03Medical CareersLIBRA - 🧿 YOUR GUIDES HAVE AN IMPORTANT MESSAGE FOR YOU! | October Tarot Card Reading!October 10, 20227,387
17:25Medical CareersLIBRA - SWIFT CAREER CHANGES! The Next Three Months (October - December) Tarot ReadingOctober 1, 2022715
15:52Financial CareersSCORPIO - "You Took a RISK! Now What?" October Career and Money Tarot ReadingSeptember 28, 20224,708
15:42Financial CareersVIRGO - "The Life of Your Dreams is Within Reach!" 222 October Career and Money Tarot ReadingSeptember 27, 20221,621
15:31Financial CareersCANCER - "Something From the Past Comes Back! Good News!" October Career and Money Tarot ReadingSeptember 27, 20221,671
15:20Financial CareersSAGITTARIUS - "LUCKY CHANGES!" This is a BIG Month for You! October Career and Money Tarot ReadingSeptember 27, 20227,839
15:36Financial CareersARIES - "You DUG Yourself Out of a Sticky Situation!" YES! October Career and Money Tarot ReadingSeptember 26, 20221,438
15:47Financial CareersLIBRA - "SHOCKING Events Happen This Month!" October Career and Money Tarot ReadingSeptember 26, 20221,039
3:20Financial CareersSwitch Words To Overcome Financial Issues - Business Career growth Financial growthSeptember 17, 202244
15:56Medical CareersAQUARIUS - Blessing in Disguise! YOU GOT THIS! September 5th - 11th Tarot ReadingSeptember 3, 20229,764
15:49Medical CareersLEO - A Well Deserved CELEBRATION is in Order! September 5th - 11th Tarot ReadingSeptember 3, 20228,144
15:54Medical CareersCAPRICORN - "REMOVE this Blockage ASAP!" New Opportunities! Middle of August Tarot ReadingAugust 14, 20223,457