The World is Built by Men

The World is Built by Men

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Publish Date:
November 23, 2023
Skilled Trades
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#masculinity #motivation #selfimprovement

A motivating tribute to the amazing builders, plumbers, welders, miners, drivers, electricians, mechanics, fishermen, firemen, law enforcements etc.

In the modern world, especially in the West, there's a certain prestige that often accompanies white-collar professions. Let's face it, doctors, lawyers, and corporate executives are commonly placed on pedestals, their careers hailed as the epitome of success. That's not to mention the societal norm and pressure on the younger generations to obtain a 4 year degree and go into these roles.

While these professions undoubtedly play a vital role in society, the significance and value of blue collar trades cannot be overstated. These tradespeople – from electricians to plumbers, construction workers to mechanics – keep our world running smoothly, fostering the growth of infrastructure and ensuring the functionality of our daily lives.

Imagine a world without blue-collar workers: cities without structures, homes without electricity or running water, and streets without maintenance. The infrastructure we often take for granted is largely the product of hardworking tradespeople. They lay the foundation for our homes, ensure our lights turn on at the flick of a switch, and guarantee that we have safe roads to travel on.

The development of a nation's infrastructure is a direct indication of its progress, and blue-collar trades are pivotal in this equation. These professionals transform architectural dreams into tangible realities and maintain the physical structures that house businesses, educational institutions, and healthcare facilities.

The economic contributions of blue-collar workers are nothing to shake a stick at. The trades not only create jobs, but also stimulate economic activity in associated industries. For instance, the construction of a single building can spur growth in sectors like raw material production, transportation, and even technology.

Furthermore, blue-collar professions often offer stable employment opportunities without the requirement of a traditional four-year degree, allowing for a broader range of individuals to earn a livable wage, support their families, and contribute to their communities.
Often, a career in the trades leads to higher than average salaries, especially for more technically skilled roles. This in combination with the lack of a required degree makes it a very attractive option.

One unique aspect of blue-collar jobs is the acquisition of tangible, hands-on skills.
A welder or a carpenter has the ability to create, repair, and innovate with their hands – a skill set that's becoming increasingly rare in the digital age. These skills not only have real-world applications but also often offer opportunities for entrepreneurship. A skilled tradesperson can establish their own business, providing services directly to consumers or other businesses.
Combine this with the fact that many skills, such as welding, are not being passed onto the next generation, creating a very real possibility of far more need than workforce to handle it.

It's essential to debunk the myth that white-collar jobs inherently hold more value than blue-collar ones. Value is subjective and multidimensional. The doctor who performs life-saving surgeries is valuable, and so is the technician who ensures that the hospital's electrical systems are functioning optimally.
Both sectors have roles that are indispensable to society. While the responsibilities and environments might differ, the importance remains consistent. A society that overlooks or undervalues the contributions of its blue-collar workers is one that hampers its own growth and potential.

Blue collar trades are not just jobs; they are the threads that weave the fabric of our society. As we continue to advance in the realms of technology and globalization, let's ensure that the respect and appreciation for blue-collar workers advance as well. These are the individuals who translate visions into tangible realities, proving that their hands, skills, and dedication are as valuable as any other profession in our diverse and interconnected world.

We would not be able to keep our doors open without you, so with utmost respect we say thank you

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