3 Medical Jobs without Certification | No License Required | 2020 Hospital Jobs

3 Medical Jobs without Certification | No License Required | 2020 Hospital Jobs

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Today video is about 3 Healthcare jobs that you can get without certification. These 3 medical jobs are in hospital and they require no license and little or no experience depending on the location. In the video, I briefly go over these 3 job requirements while summarizing their job duties.

1) Patient sitters work under the supervision of a nurse to provide care for patient care services. The primary responsibility of a patient sitter is to provide one-to-one direct observation of a patient to keep them safe.
2) Hospital Patient Transporter. With this job, you pretty much transport patients everywhere in the hospital. You transport the patient from point A to point B using gurney or wheelchair and then repeat.
3) Mental Health Worker. Under the direct supervision of an RN, the Mental Health Worker assists nurses with programs and nursing care for patients. MHW also ensuring the safety of the patients in the hospital and clinic unit.

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