The Ten Commandments Of Financial Tortoise

The Ten Commandments Of Financial Tortoise

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Publish Date:
April 10, 2023
Financial Careers
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Mr. Financial Tortoise went up into the Mountain, and out of the burning bush came a finger, which engraved on the stone tablets the following ten commandments.


0:00 - Intro
0:11 - #1 Thou Shalt Develop Competitive Career Capital
1:16 - #2 Thou Shalt Always Live Below Means
2:04 - #3 Thou Shalt Never Spend Money To Impress People
2:38 - #4 Thou Shalt Abhor Debt
4:11 - #5 Thou Shalt Avoid “Speculative” Investments.
5:25 - #6 Thou Shalt Build Wealth Slowly
7:14 - #7 Thou Shalt Favor Index Fund As Core Wealth Building Tool
8:25 - #8 Thou Shalt Keep Finances Simple
9:53 - #9 Thou Shalt Protect Thy Assets
11:02 - #10 Thou Shalt Read


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