#financialmodeling #shorts #skill91
Checkout Financial Modelling Club- https://www.skill91.com/s/store/courses/description/Financial-Modelling-Club
😍 Why Choose Financial Modelling By Agrika Khatri? 😍
A financial model helps to determine a company's expected cash inflows and outflows.
Explore the art of Financial Modelling by enrolling yourself with 5200+ other learners.
Exclusive benefits include:
✅Unlimited access to 130+ pre-recorded lectures
✅30+ hours of comprehensive video lectures
✅24*7 discussion forum
✅Certificate of completion
✅24*7 accessibility and unlimited watch time
✅Tests, quizzes and case studies
✅Hands on experience with data
Wondering about validity?
Don't worry. Each enrolment is valid for a SOLID 365 days!
No matter if you're a student, professional, or just looking to get started on Valuation, Financial Statement etc.
Financial Modelling will prove to be an EXCELLENT choice for mastering in Financial Analyst in a unique, fun, engaging, and informative way.