Tapping With Others as a Great Career

Tapping With Others as a Great Career

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Publish Date:
October 13, 2022
Career Training
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Join Jessica Ortner, host of the Tapping World Summit, and Dawson Church LIVE!
Ready to Enroll in certification? Do you want a great new career, work from home? Visit https://eftuniverse.com/ultimate-eft-certification-program/ for more information.

This program has the potential to change your entire future! You’ll learn all 48 Clinical EFT techniques and how to apply them in challenging situations. You’ll be trained one-on-one by your own personal Mentor. Once you graduate you’ll work from home, setting your own hours and creating work-life balance.

If now’s not the time: The free EFT Seminar online course. https://eftuniverse.com/certification/the-eft-seminar/

The Seminar is a prerequisite for 4-day, a sampler of certification.

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