Part-Time Or Full-Time Personal Training (Which Is Better For You?) Is Training A Good Side Hustle?

Part-Time Or Full-Time Personal Training (Which Is Better For You?) Is Training A Good Side Hustle?

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Hello and welcome to, or welcome back to, Sorta Healthy! We're your one stop shop for personal trainer education.

In this video, Jeff will be discussing whether part-time or full-time personal training is better for you and whether or not training makes a good side hustle.

The difference between being a full and part time trainer can be a lot but luckily, there is always a need for both.

Throughout the video, Jeff will take you through a check-list of questions to help you determine your future in personal training.

If you liked this video and found it helpful, please remember to hit the like button and subscribe to the channel as it really does help us grow.

*You can find the checklist used in this video and take it for yourself by hitting the link down below*

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