Wondering what the iCanStudy program looks like once you join? Want to know if it’s right for you? Join our next free demo webinar to take control of your learning: https://bit.ly/49Zz8Is
Understanding your learner types gives you a head start in improving your learning efficiency.
Take my free quiz to find your learner type and identify how your brain learns best. You'll get a PDF report based on your learning strengths and weaknesses: https://bit.ly/3QDyuIO
Time stamps:
00:00 Intro
00:20 My career path
00:48 Research on careers
01:42 Career Myth
02:37 Why you will change your career
07:03 Why changing your career feels so wrong
09:15 How to make career decisions
If you're new to the channel and want to know a little bit more about my story and what I do, then check out this TEDx talk I gave: https://youtu.be/TQXMl4GycD0
I also received the Dean's Award of Academic Excellence for being the top graduating student for the Master of Education at Monash University in 2022 (while only studying for a few weeks). Here is a video on how I did that: https://youtu.be/RJKNtXgo39o
Interested in mind mapping? Then these videos might be for you:
Are you serious about academic success? If so, you should get a lot out of these videos:
Up to your neck in flashcards and Anki but not getting the results everyone says you should be getting? Here is an apparently ‘controversial’ but super valuable (and PROPERLY evidence-based) take on Active Recall and Spaced Repetition (rather than the pseudo-evidence most ‘gurus’ regurgitate):
Read my overview report on learning (referenced):
Talk with thousands of other learners from around the world: https://bit.ly/JustinSungDiscord
Justin is a former medical doctor, full-time learning coach and consultant, top 1% TEDx speaker, researcher, author, and learning skills lecturer at Monash University. Over the past decade, he has worked with over 10,000 learners from 120+ countries to learn with more confidence and control. He is the co-founder and head of learning at iCanStudy, an international training organisation for self-regulated higher-order learning.
Learning skills training program: https://bit.ly/StudySkillsCourse
Instagram: https://bit.ly/drjustinsung
Facebook: https://bit.ly/JustinonFB
LinkedIn: https://bit.ly/JustinonLinkedIn
Twitter: https://bit.ly/JustinSungTwitter