Get Started on a New Career with Workforce Development Training at Craven Community College

Get Started on a New Career with Workforce Development Training at Craven Community College

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Publish Date:
February 9, 2023
Career Training
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How can Craven Community College help you start a new career?

UPCOMING CLASSES (May-August, 2022)

Adv. Mfg. Tools for Veterans • AEMT Initial and Refresher • Aviation Sheet Metal • Barbering Concepts • Carpentry Levels 1 & 2 • Carpentry Level 2 •
CDL Truck Driver Training • Commercial Cleaning • Diesel Generator Service • Diesel Systems • Forklift Operator • Electrical Levels 1-4 • EMT Initial and Refresher • FAA General/Airframe • FAA General/Powerplant • Field Safety •
HVAC Levels 1-4 • Marine Engine Repair • Masonry Level 1 • Paramedic Refresher • Physical Therapy Technician • Solar Photovoltaic Tech
Understanding 12-Lead EKGs • Welding Levels 1 & 2*

*Available on New Bern and Havelock Campus

Broaden your opportunities in the job market with online classes
that can be completed in as little as 24 hours. These affordable and convenient learning modules are completed at your pace. Offered by Ed2Go, these classes are not eligible for HEERF funding, but other financial assistance may be available.

Don’t miss your chance to become a high school graduate. The College & Career Readiness (CCR) program offers GED and HiSET classes to help you get a diploma at a pace that’s right for you. CCR also offers English as a Second Language classes and is home to the Transitions Academy, which helps students with mild intellectual disabilities prepare for the workforce.

More than ever, computer skills are key to socializing and maintaining
contact with your friends and family. Our new Digital Literacy class is
offered at no charge and all materials—including access to computers—
will be provided.