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Recently, Cristiano Ronaldo and Cristiano Ronaldo Jr. left everyone speechless!

There used to be one beast, but now there are two of them! Just look at Junior's physical development! Nice abs, right? Impressive!

Especially if you take a look at this comparison!

Today we'll tell you how Cristiano Ronaldo trains his son, what he forbids his kid to do, as well as the bet that father and son made!

Let's get into it!

How Cristiano Ronaldo trains his son

It’s no secret that Cristiano Ronaldo will instill a healthy lifestyle in his son! And the fact that Cris has always wanted to see his boy become a professional football player is also well known!

With that in mind, the great Portuguese was planning Junior's development - you've definitely come across videos or photos on social media of Cristiano working out with Cristianinho in the gym: Junior running on the treadmill, Junior lifting weights, or whatever: Junior does pull-ups on the horizontal bar! Then the guy got really jacked for his age! Yet football fans from all over the world were shocked, as the boy was only 7 years old!


Cristiano Ronaldo haters wrote on social media, though the 5-time Ballon d'Or winner knew what he was doing and had a clear plan for his son's progress.

Along with developing his physical abilities, Ron trained his heir's technique.

Gym and football pitch training sessions were worth the effort, which resulted in Junior shocking everyone with these powerful shots at the age of 7!

CR7 has always considered SPEED to be an important aspect for his son's further progress - you can't properly play football without speed, which is especially true given that his champ wants to play up front, just like his old man. Here's how Cristiano boosted Junior's speed when they were both at Juventus! Look at that lightning pace - the way he runs is amazing! Just like SuperSonic!

Cristianinho's career was followed by the academies of Juventus, Manchester United and rare sessions at the Real Madrid academy, when his family happened to visit Madrid. In other words, Ronaldo's boy, besides personal training with his dad, went through the schools of three top European clubs, while adding a whole new football culture to his arsenal - Mahd Academy and Al Nasr Football School!

However, one cannot be successful at the number one game if he doesn't give it his all 200%. This is Cristiano's golden rule!

There are no small things on the way to success! You have to sleep well, eat well and be focused exclusively on football!

"These are the rules, son!" a father once said to his kid, writing down the list of prohibitions for Cristianinho.

The first thing that should matter most to Cristiano is sleep. Ronaldo can sleep 12 to 16 hours a day if he needs it to fully recover for a match. These are certainly shocking numbers for us, regular football fans... That said, Junior is already aware of that - he has to go to bed on time by 10-11pm - no phones, computers, laptops or TV before bed - just complete immersion in sleep and recovery! Cristianinho is a schoolboy, who needs 7-8 hours of sleep - his body recovers much faster than his dad's. Right, Cris?

Cristiano Senior also teaches his young lad how to recover in a special cryo-chamber. A number of celebrities swear by cryotherapy, also known as cold therapy, which can also help weight loss and slow down the physical effects of aging.

Well, the guy is slowly getting used to the sauna too! It's also a good way to recharge his batteries, you know!

Moving on!

Before we go any further, we must mention the topic of smartphones being almost a taboo in Cristiano's house. Only a certain number of minutes and hours a day are given for the kid's entertainment online. There is speculation that Junior is allowed to spend only one hour on social media platforms. Ronaldo believes that technology shouldn't steal people's time - he has repeatedly pointed this out in several interviews, and that's why Cristiano Senior doesn't want his boy to have an iPhone 15 that will eat up his attention. The same goes for every other device - if it's a PlayStation or TV, then it's allowed for a strictly limited time.

In fact, the same goes for food - only the healthy stuff, no sugar, and no junk food. Still, Cristiano makes some exceptions, since he understands that he doesn't want his kid to hide from him with bottles of Coca-Cola, burgers and fries - therefore, Ronaldo's family have days when you can eat whatever you want! A useful psychological relief, in our opinion!

What do you think, is it all too much? Share your thoughts in the comments down below!

A separate subject for raising a son involves MOTIVATION. Cristiano believes that this is the most important tool for achieving a goal!

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