Ashworth College Career Training Graduate Shares Experience With Her Massage Techniques Instructor

Ashworth College Career Training Graduate Shares Experience With Her Massage Techniques Instructor

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Publish Date:
December 4, 2022
Career Training
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Ashworth College Career Training Graduate, Caroline Alfaro, shares online education experience with her massage techniques instructor.

Yuma, Arizona native Carolina Alforo had dreams for making a better life for herself and her family. Pursuing a diploma in Massage Techniques from Ashworth College's Career Training School was the first step to reaching her goal of becoming a child care management specialist.

Alforo's years of study, balancing life and family obligations began to pay off when she received her diploma from Ashworth, a leader in distance education. However, there was still one thing missing... the opportunity to attend her graduation ceremony which would be held August 9 in Norcross, GA.

Enter veteran TV host Cristina Saralegui. Familiarly known as the Latina "Oprah," Saralegui is a revered activist among the Hispanic community. Through her Univision show, The Cristina Show, she hosts a one-hour, primetime special entitled Soñando Contigo ("Dreaming with You") which aims to make a dream a reality for a deserving Hispanic family or individual.

Alfaro's story came to the attention of show producers who were reviewing thousands of requests for the September 15 segment which will air on Univision at 10:00 p.m., EST. Coming from a family of seven, Alfaro is the first to complete a higher education program. Unfortunately, financial constraints prevented her from attending her Ashworth graduation ceremony in Norcross, a community just north of Atlanta.

"We reviewed thousands of letters," said Isabel Cuervo, Cristina Show producer. "Having the opportunity to meet Carolina and her family, we know we made the right selection. She is goal-oriented and very deserving."

On August 6, 2008, representatives from Soñando Contigo flew to Yuma where they surprised her with a special graduation present -- an opportunity for her and her parents to attend the Ashworth's ceremony. Within 24 hours, Carolina, her parents and the production crew arrived in Atlanta for a whirlwind of graduation activities.

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