5 Online Career Training Study Tips

5 Online Career Training Study Tips

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Publish Date:
July 6, 2024
Career Training
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The advantage of online career training is clear: You set your own hours and fit the coursework into your schedule rather than upsetting everything to accommodate a school timetable. But because online career training takes place in the privacy of your home – with just you and the computer to keep you company – it takes a bit of a learning curve to acquire new study habits. Whereas in the past there was positive peer pressure in the form of study groups as well as instructor encouragement, you are now largely responsible for self-motivating. Can you do it? With these seven tips, you are certain to have success.

Know that your equipment is in working order. Do not wait until you need to print out an assignment to realize that your printer and your new computer are not in synch. Test all the equipment that the course requires you to use. If there are problems, get them worked out well ahead of the time that you start your first class.
Select your study center. Some folks need peace and quiet. A second bedroom or even an attic can be converted into your private study area. Others like to be part of the hustle and bustle that goes on in the home. For them, the kitchen table might just be the perfect study spot. Find out what works for you and set up your computer and printer accordingly.

Do not compromise your study time. Online career training might offer you plenty of flexibility, but it must become one of your top priorities. Do not allow your social life or even just lack of motivation to bump studying for a day, two or longer. Instead, make it a habit to study at your previously chosen times. This habit will carry you through motivational slumps.

Chart your course. If you know that during a course you will cover 12 chapters in a book and if the course is six weeks long, you know that you need to cover at least two chapters per week. Print out a reading chart so that you will stay on track and not fall behind. The same is true for assignments, quiz-taking and final papers.

Be honest about problems. Although it may at times feel like you are all alone, there is an instructor there to help you. If you need assistance with the subject matter or just a little pep talk, let your instructor know how you are doing. By being proactive in your communications, you prevent bigger problems from cropping up later.

Find out about your learning style. Some learners do great with written assignments. Others do much better when following along an audio-visual presentation. If your course offers different types of media that convey similar facts, choose the one that appeals to you the most.

Reward yourself. One of the most frequently overlooked aspects of successful online career training is a well-developed reward system. It worked for you when you were in grade school. A sticker, bookmark or piece of candy could motivate you to learn multiplication tables. Now, as an adult, you still need little rewards here and there. So treat yourself to an ice cream for the finished assignment, go out to dinner after passing your test and do not skimp on well-deserved pats on the back for getting your work done on time.

Education Consulting Associates

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