High School Career Advice: 6 Things We Wish We Knew Then

High School Career Advice: 6 Things We Wish We Knew Then

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Publish Date:
August 12, 2024
Career Counseling
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If we only knew then what we know now!

That’s what these six career professionals are saying about their high school experience. As they each look back at their school years, they describe the key insights that would have been the most helpful for them to have known back then. And in this video, they share their best high school career advice with you!

These simple words of wisdom would have saved them time and money after graduation or simply given them more peace-of-mind and confidence when they were younger! From insights about developing your talents, to finding your passion to embracing your own unique gifts, this advice for high school students may help you make better decisions about your future!

The K12 staff and other professionals featured in this video come from various career fields. Hear from a graphic designer, a tech expert, a history teacher, a nurse, a social media specialist, and a K12 intern on what advice would have made a difference to their futures and post-graduation decisions.

Their advice might just help you avoid the “five-year plan” and other pitfalls that many high school students experience after graduation. From how you feel about yourself to what should guide your decisions after high school, sometimes a little experience can go a long way!

This video is brought to you by Destinations Career Academy, a different kind of high school that is powered by a leader in online education—K12. Destinations Career Academy is a tuition-free, online high school that offers students a jump start on college and/or simply helps prepare them for their dream career. Destinations provides a modern career-readiness education program, so students are not left wondering what to do after high school. It offers guided career exploration, in-depth technical and professional skill building, real-world learning experiences, and preparation for a high-demand career in the field of your choice. If you are a high school students who is looking for a clear path to a successful future,

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