Episode 238 - Boundaries in Counselling – How to Get Clients – Race, Culture and Anti-Discrimination

Episode 238 - Boundaries in Counselling – How to Get Clients – Race, Culture and Anti-Discrimination

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Publish Date:
October 3, 2022
Career Counseling
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Handout - https://counsellingtutor.com/boundaries-in-counselling/
Resource library and CPD - https://counsellingtutor.com

In Episode 238 of the Counselling Tutor Podcast, your hosts Rory Lees-Oakes and Ken Kelly take us through this week’s three topics:

• In ‘Theory in Practice’, we’ll look at boundaries in counselling.
• Then in ‘Practice Partner’, Rory and Ken discuss how you might go about getting counselling clients – or more importantly, how clients might find you.
• And lastly in ‘Practice Matters’, Rory is speaking with Mamood Ahmad about race, culture and anti-discrimination in counselling.

Boundaries in Counselling [02:46]

Boundaries are an important part of your work as a counsellor – both for you and your client.

The key points of this discussion include:

• In your position as counsellor, you have power. Boundaries are therefore put in place as a way to stop harm or damage to either you or your client.
• There are different types of boundaries:
o Client facing boundaries e.g. your working hours and when you're willing to respond to clients.
o Time boundaries – keeping sessions to their set and contracted time.
o Legal and ethical boundaries.
o Touch boundaries – if instigated by the client and is purely for the client, it is up to you whether you allow this and where you set the boundary.
• Boundaries are fixed; they're not something moveable.
• Boundaries require mutual understanding – they're not just for you.
• Is someone presenting with something you don’t feel confident working with? Can you give this client the best service? Know your own boundaries and capabilities.

How to Get Counselling Clients [21:45]

When it comes to opening your own practice, you will need to get counselling clients. In this section, Rory and Ken discuss a few ways you may go about obtaining these clients:

• Counselling directories – these will allow you to advertise your services, but it’s a crowded market with lots of other counsellors doing the same thing. If you have a specialism, this will help you to stand out and narrow down the competition.
• Local referrals – is there a local agency you can create a referral relationship with?
• Building relationships and networking is an important part of getting counselling clients.
• The client has a choice to make when looking for a counsellor – it is important to have a digital presence (e.g. website) so potential clients can learn more about you and how you work.
• Another option to look into to get counselling clients could be paid media.

Race, Culture and Anti-Discrimination in Counselling [40:55]

In this week’s ‘Practice Matters’, Rory speaks with Mamood Ahmad about race, culture, and anti-discrimination in counselling.

The main points of this discussion include:

• Without an understanding of the clients culture or ‘otherness’, we won't be able to fully see the whole of the client, or meet them where they're at.
• As Rory quotes, ‘the client can only go as far as the therapist has gone themselves.’
• Lots of different things make up a person: their upbringing, culture, race, and experiences.
• Everybody is the other – no one has had the exact same experience you have.
• Seek training in how to work with clients of differing cultures etc. so that you can be best in service of your clients.
• A question to think about: can you write an experience where power has been used against you?

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