Career guidance in the COVID pandemic | OECD Education webinar

Career guidance in the COVID pandemic | OECD Education webinar

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Publish Date:
August 12, 2022
Career Counseling
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How can young people be best supported through career guidance during a period of severe economic turbulence?

What works in terms of improving young people’s prospects of finding good employment?

How can guidance professionals help young people to develop psychological resiliency to deal with a hostile jobs market?

What are the most effective means of delivering guidance during the pandemic?

Our panel of experts answers these questions and more in this webinar about career guidance during the COVID pandemic

Professor David Blustein, Professor of Counseling, Development and Educational Psychology, Boston College, United States
Dr Deirdre Hughes, Associate Fellow, University of Warwick and co-editor of the International Symposium Series British Journal for Guidance and Counselling, United Kingdom
Dr Anthony Mann, Senior Policy Analyst, OECD
Moderated by Catalina Covacevich, Analyst, OECD

Webinar slides and list of resources --

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