Career Counselling Lecture For Higher Education by Prof. Sajjad Haider

Career Counselling Lecture For Higher Education by Prof. Sajjad Haider

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Publish Date:
June 12, 2023
Career Counseling
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Professor Sajjad Haider is a famous educationist from Indus Foundation. In his lecture with Career Karwan he addressed the students about the career selection and problems regarding career counseling. The lecture held at Pakistan Institute of arts, Language and Culture.
Professor Sajjad delivered a complete lecture covering all the challenges faced by young students who have to pick a career line after matriculation and intermediate examination. In his lecture he high lighted the how society, family and institutions effect a student's decision about future career. He also emphasized on the on the need of awareness about new students and fields in education. He said that career counseling is not a simple task it can only be done properly by an expert of education. The students must take the decision themselves regarding their field. He asserted special attention on the issue of self awareness. Self awareness is most important to understand which direction a student take for their future.
Listen to the complete lecture for further information.

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